Alqvimia Queen of Egypt



$855 (VIP 20% off)

呢兩支單買 @$600 @$620

Queen of Egypt Eau de Toilette
This fragrant body cologne lends a sweet, exotic fragrance to take you beyond the realm of the senses – a source of eternal beauty and seduction based on the discovery of inner harmony. Its creation was inspired by the beauty ointments used by the queens of Ancient Egypt, this exotic fragrance lends an intense feeling of charm, femininity and mystery. The wonderful fragrance of this perfume lends feminine confidence while increasing self-esteem.
Queen of Egypt Body Oil
A body oil with an exotic fragrance with deep-down nourishing powers, combats the skin’s aging process, while regenerating and smoothing, while providing self-esteem and confidence.

Inspired in beauty ointments used by the queens of Ancient Egypt, this exotic oil is made from a base of Myrrh and Incense oleoresins to beautify and keep the skin young and radiant, while lending an intense sensation of femininity and charm. Its marvelous fragrance also provides sensations of confidence, increasing self-esteem, taking you beyond the realm of the senses.

香水好 long last!

Queen of Egypt 精油
$480 (VIP 20% off)
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